2016. május
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Interjúk  //  Balog Zoltánnal

2012. jan. 24.

Eine europäische Minderheit in Not

NEUE ZÜRICHER ZEITUNG2012. január 24., Christoph WehrliKépgaléria >>> Politik und Projekte zugunsten der Roma in Osteuropa - Minderheitenförderung und Armutsbekämpfung In vielen Ländern leben die Roma sozial am Rand. Die Verbesserung ihrer Lage gehört zu den Zielen der Osteuropahilfe von Bund, kirchlichen und anderen Organisationen. Es gibt zwar viele Roma und ganze Zweige dieser vielfältigen ...


2011. aug. 30.

Hungary asks Switzerland to block juvenile prostitutio

  Budapest, August 30 (MTI) - Hungary’s request to Switzerland that it raise the legal age limit for prostitution from the age of 16 to 18 was met with an open mind, a senior Hungarian government official told MTI in Aarau on Tuesday.   Current Swiss regulations that allow prostitutes of just over 16 years ...


2011. júl. 10.

Az Independent angol nyelvű cikke a magyarországi cigányok helyzetéről

I am inside a small, decrepit home where the ceiling is collapsing into the kitchen. There are two bedrooms in the house, each filled to bursting with two double-beds: 14 family members live here, I am told. We sit on one of the beds while a four-year-old girl does her party piece, a hip-shaking disco ...


2011. ápr. 28.

In defence of the EU Roma Strategy

In defence of the EU Roma Strategy 28 April 2011 Attempting to measure and coordinate member state programmes relating to inclusion, education, healthcare and housing is somewhat of an impossible task – but that is exactly what the new European Union Roma Strategy is attempting to do – writes Dean Carroll. Already criticised for being ...


2011. ápr. 11. Hungary’s plan for the Roma

  TODAY is International Roma Day. Roma and NGO activists, Hungarian politicians, European Union and government officials are gathered at Budapest’s Ethnographic Museum to launch a new EU Roma strategy. After an unpromising beginning to its six-month presidency of the EU in January, when it found itself embroiled in a row with Brussels over a ...


2011. ápr. 10.

Roma strategy: quality at stake

Both the Hungarian Presidency and the European Commission emphasised the responsibility of Roma organisations, at the fifth meeting of the European Roma Platform in Budapest on 8 April 2011. According to EU organisations, their involvement is necessary to prevent Member States from watering down the strong proposal of the Commission.For more pictures go on the ...


2011. márc. 18.

Viktor Orbán’s negotiations on the situation of the Roma

Viktor Orbán’s negotiations on the situation of the Roma Today, Viktor Orbán, Prime Minister, had a discussion with Zoltán Balog, Minister of State for Social Inclusion, and Flórián Farkas, head of National Roma Self-Government. The Prime Minister congratulated the leader on his victory in minority self-government election. The participants of the discussion agreed that the ...


2011. márc. 9.

Europas Verantwortung als Chance für die Roma

  Exklusiv auf Appell von EU-Kommissar Andor und Staatssekretär Balog Seit Europas Wiedervereinigung hat sich die soziale Sicherheit der Roma-Minderheiten in den neuen EU-Mitgliedsstaaten eher verschlechtert. Der ungarische EU-Kommissar László Andor (zuständig für Beschäftigung, Soziales und Integration) und Staatssekretär Zoltán Balog vom Budapester Ministerium für öffentliche Verwaltung und Justiz warnen in einem gemeinsamen Appell ...


2011. feb. 24.

Orbán’s pastor (Az European Voice cikke Balog Zoltán államtitkárról)

By Thomas Escritt Zoltán Balog is Hungary’s minister entrusted with the fight against social exclusion and has close ties to the prime minister. When Zoltán Balog still officiated at weddings, before full-time politics forced him to take a leave of absence from the church, he used to warn couples well ahead of time of his ...


2011. feb. 16.


Vol. 156Washington, Wednesday, February 16, 2011 No. 2 Senate ATTACKS IN HUNGARY AND THE CZECH REPUBLIC HON. BENJAMIN L. CARDIN Wednesday, February 16, 2011   Mr. CARDIN. Mr. President, as co-chairman of the U.S. Helsinki Commission, I wanted to bring to the Senate’s attention that next week, February 23, will mark a tragic anniversary. Two ...
